Monday 2 September 2024

16 Best Nootropics For Energy in 2024


In this article, I'll take a closer at the 16 best nootropics for energy. I'll cover the potential risks and side effects you may run into as well as the benefits you can expect.

Are you looking for a way to increase your energy levels?

Nootropics are substances that enhance cognitive function.

They can help you focus, think more clearly, and remember things better.

There are many different types of nootropics available today.

Some work by increasing blood flow to the brain while others boost neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin.

No matter what type of nootropic you’re looking for, there is one out there that will fit your needs perfectly!

I know how hard it is to find something that actually works so I've put together this list of 16 nootropics that will help boost your energy levels.

The best nootropics for energy according to scientific evidence are:

  1. Vyvamind
  2. Caffeine
  3. L-Theanine
  4. Modafinil
  5. Armodafinil
  6. Phenylpiracetam
  7. Oxiracetam
  8. Noopept
  9. Citicoline
  10. Sulbutiamine
  11. Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  12. Rhodiola Rosea
  13. Curcumin
  14. Ginkgo Biloba
  15. Gynostemma
  16. Creatine

1. Vyvamind

Looking for a powerful, yet safe and effective way to help you perform at your best?

Look no further than Vyvamind.

This non-addictive stimulant has been proven to help high-performing adults focus, concentrate and remember information better.

It also provides a significant energy boost without the jitteriness or crash associated with other medications, products, or nootropics.

So whether you're a student who needs some extra help studying for exams or a busy professional who wants to stay sharp and focused throughout the day, Vyvamind can make a big difference in your performance.

Vyvamind contains a blend of ingredients:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • L-Tyrosine 
  • CDP-Choline
  • L-Theanine
  • Caffeine Anhydrous

They are all designed to improve mental clarity and focus.

The main ingredient, L-tyrosine, is an amino acid that is involved in the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters that are important for cognitive function.

Vyvamind Pros

  • It can help improve mental clarity and focus
  • It can help reduce stress and anxiety
  • It may improve mood and well-being
  • It is generally well-tolerated with few side effects

Vyvamind Cons

  • It may not be suitable for people with high blood pressure
  • It may interact with some medications
  • It may cause stomach upset in some people

Vyvamind in Summary

Vyvamind is an all-natural supplement containing 6 ingredients that have a range of potential benefits.

It can help to improve mental clarity and focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and may also improve mood and well-being.

Vyvamind is generally well-tolerated with few side effects, but it may not be suitable for everyone.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine is found naturally in over 60 different plants, including coffee beans, tea leaves, and dark chocolate. It’s also added to many sodas and energy drinks.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), temporarily blocking adenosine receptors in the brain that promote feelings of tiredness or sleepiness.

When caffeine blocks these receptors it causes an increase in activity throughout the CNS - such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates - all of which make you feel more alert.

This feeling usually lasts for about an hour before gradually wearing off again; however, if you keep drinking caffeine-rich beverages like coffee or cola, your body will build up a tolerance to its effects, meaning that it will take more and more to achieve the same result.

Although caffeine is known for its ability to improve mental focus and energy levels, most studies suggest that this effect only lasts for an hour after drinking a caffeinated beverage, with some suggesting that no ‘boost’ is present within two hours of consumption.

Furthermore, too much caffeine can cause tiredness, irritability, and an upset stomach.

Taken in moderation (up to 200mg), caffeine may help improve mental focus and energy levels; however, these effects are likely to be short-lived.

Caffeine Pros

  • Can help you feel more awake and alert
  • Improves mental focus
  • Boosts energy levels

Caffeine Cons

  • Can cause anxiety and restlessness
  • May lead to dependence
  • Withdrawal symptoms can include headaches and fatigue

Caffeine in Summary

Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in over 60 plants, including coffee beans and tea leaves. It’s also added to many sodas and energy drinks.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, temporarily blocking adenosine receptors in the brain that promote feelings of tiredness or sleepiness.

When caffeine blocks these receptors, it causes an increase in activity throughout the CNS - such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates - all of which make you feel more alert.

Taken in moderation, caffeine may help improve mental focus and energy levels; however, these effects are likely to be short-lived.

3. L-Theanine


L-theanine is an amino acid that has many benefits for the mind.

It’s a structural analog of glutamate, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain.

L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and promote relaxation by increasing alpha waves in your brain.

Alpha waves are associated with feelings of calmness and increased mental alertness at the same time.

People who take L-theanine combined with caffeine report feelings of more clean energy, and calmness without the anxiety or jitters often associated with caffeine.

This is because L-theanine helps to inhibit norepinephrine, which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiousness.

L-Theanine also increases dopamine levels in your brain by preventing its reuptake into neurons.

This can improve motivation and focus in a different way than caffeine.

L-theanine is great for people who are trying to quit drinking coffee but still want the energy from caffeine without the jitters or anxiety that often come with it.

It is safe for most people when taken at recommended dosages (50mg to 200mg).

L-theanine Pros

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps you to relax without making you feel drowsy
  • Increases mental alertness and focus
  • Can be helpful for people trying to quit coffee

L-theanine Cons

  • It may cause headaches in some people
  • It may interact with some medications

L-theanine in Summary

L-theanine is a great amino acid for people who want to improve their minds.

It is a structural analog of glutamate, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and promotes relaxation while also increasing alpha waves.

It is great for people who are trying to quit coffee but still want the energy from caffeine without the jitters or anxiety that often come with it.

It can also help to increase mental alertness and focus.

L-theanine is safe for most people when taken at recommended dosages.

However, it may cause headaches in some people and may interact with some medications.

4. Modafinil

Modafinil is a drug that increases alertness and wakefulness in humans, with a variety of uses.

It’s most often used to treat sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea, but it also has been studied for use by the military and astronauts to maintain performance during long-term missions.

In addition, Modafinil may have nootropic effects when taken at dosages higher than 100mg per day.

Modafinil works by activating dopamine receptors in the brain stem which enhances mood and energy levels.

The drug also boosts serotonin levels which are thought to be responsible for its beneficial effects on mood and anxiety levels.

Finally, Modafinil appears to alter histamine activity in the brain, which may result in increased physical and mental energy levels.

It's worth noting that Modafinil is a prescription drug in the United States and many other countries.

Modafinil Pros

  • Increases alertness
  • Helps to improve cognitive function
  • Can be used to treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder
  • Minimal side effects

Modafinil Cons

  • May cause anxiety or agitation
  • May cause headaches or dizziness
  • May disrupt normal sleep patterns

Modafinil in Summary

Modafinil is a wakeful-promoting agent used to treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

Modafinil increases alertness and helps to improve cognitive function by modulating the dopamine and norepinephrine systems in the brain.

Modafinil has minimal side effects compared to other wakefulness-promoting agents, however, it may cause anxiety or agitation, headaches or dizziness, and disrupt normal sleep patterns.

5. Armodafinil

Armodafinil is a medication that is prescribed to treat sleepiness and other symptoms of narcolepsy.

It can also be used off-label for the treatment of ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s chorea, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Armodafinil works by boosting levels of dopamine in the brain which increases feelings of wakefulness, energy and alertness.

The drug was approved by the FDA in 2007 as an "alertness promoter".

Since then it has been studied extensively with results showing that it improves cognitive performance on tasks related to memory, decision-making ability, information processing speed and attention span.

Armodafinil is well-tolerated among healthy individuals without any significant side effects.

Dosage is usually between 50mg to 150mg per day.

Armodafinil Pros

  • Stronger and more effective than Modafinil
  • Longer-lasting effects
  • Reduced side effects
  • Can be used on an as-needed basis

Armodafinil Cons

  • More expensive than Modafinil
  • May cause anxiety or agitation in some people

Armodafinil in Summary

Armodafinil is a stronger version of modafinil.

Armodafinil works by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, which results in more dopamine available to receptors.

Armodafinil also has a longer half-life than modafinil which is why it is sometimes prescribed as a once-daily medication.

The most common side effects of armodafinil include headache, nausea, anxiety, and dizziness.

6. Phenylpiracetam

Phenylpiracetam is a nootropic that has been shown to increase cognitive function, memory, and energy levels.

It’s made by combining the parent compound Phenylacetic acid with pyrrolidone acetamide.

The result is a powerful stimulant that also offers neuroprotective properties.

It works in the brain by stimulating the production of dopamine and norepinephrine while simultaneously inhibiting their reuptake.

This makes it useful for improving mood, increasing focus during intellectual tasks, and providing increased endurance for physical activities.

Phenylpiracetam Pros

  • Known for its ability to improve cognitive function and memory
  • It has also been shown to be effective in treating ADHD and narcolepsy
  • Phenylpiracetam is also said to be helpful in relieving anxiety and depression

Phenylpiracetam Cons

  • Headaches are the most commonly reported side effect

Phenylpiracetam in Summary

Phenylpiracetam is a powerful nootropic that can offer users a variety of benefits.

It works by affecting the levels of various neurotransmitters in the brain, which results in improved cognitive function, memory, and focus.

Phenylpiracetam also has several other benefits such as treating ADHD and narcolepsy, relieving anxiety and depression, and increasing physical endurance.

Although Phenylpiracetam is generally considered to be safe, the most common side effect is headaches.

7. Oxiracetam

Oxiracetam is a fat-soluble racetam that has been proven to increase focus, energy, and motivation.

It’s reported to be effective for people with memory problems such as Alzheimer's or dementia, but it can also help students get through long hours of studying by sharpening their minds in the same way caffeine would do.

The best part is that it doesn't take much to feel the effects.

The recommended dosage for adults is anywhere between 500 and 2400 mg, taken in one dose or two smaller doses spread throughout the day.

Oxiracetam Pros

  • Helps to improve cognitive function
  • Improves memory and makes it easier to learn new information
  • Helps to increase focus and concentration

Oxiracetam Cons

  • May cause side effects such as headache, irritability, and anxiety
  • May interact with other medications
  • Not enough is known about its long-term safety

Oxiracetam in Summary

Oxiracetam is a cognitive enhancer that has been shown to improve memory, learning, and focus.

It's a part of the racetam family of drugs, which are thought to work by modulating levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

While oxiracetam has shown promise in some studies, more research is needed to determine its safety and effectiveness.

8. Noopept

Noopept is a supplement that has been proven to enhance energy levels.

It can also help you think quicker, focus better and recall information at ease by boosting the neurotransmitters in the brain.

This nootropic was developed for Russian Cosmonauts because it drastically improved their cognitive abilities while exposed to high-gravity situations during space flight missions.

Noopept is a fast-acting supplement that can take full effect in as little as 20 minutes.

It’s great for those who have trouble concentrating, staying focused, and maintaining mental energy throughout the day.

One of Noopept's benefits is its ability to increase dopamine levels while improving memory recall and thought clarity at the same time.

Noopept Pros

  • Pronounced nootropic and neuroprotective properties
  • Aids in the retention of new information
  • Enhances cognitive function
  • Promotes healthy brain cell growth and regeneration

Noopept Cons

  • May cause headaches and nausea
  • May interfere with sleep
  • Possible cognitive enhancement may not be permanent

Noopept in Summary

Noopept is a cognitive enhancer with neuroprotective properties.

It is helpful in the retention of new information and has been shown to enhance cognitive function.

Additionally, Noopept promotes healthy brain cell growth and regeneration.

While it has many benefits, Noopept may also cause headaches and nausea in some users. In rare cases, it may interfere with sleep.

9. Citicoline

Citicoline is a supplement that helps boost the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which directly increases energy levels and attention span.

It also protects brain function by increasing cerebral blood flow and improving communication in your neurons.

This allows for more efficient memory recall and learning capabilities while making you feel mentally sharp and focused in the process.

Citicoline is a safe, non-toxic supplement that can be used on a daily basis to help maintain cognitive abilities and promote better overall brain health in the long run.

Citicoline Pros

  • Beneficial for older adults and those with cognitive impairments
  • A cognitive enhancer that has been shown to improve memory
  • Well-tolerated by most people

Citicoline Cons

  • Possible side effects include headache, nausea, and dizziness
  • May interact with some medications
  • Some people may not respond well to citicoline

Citicoline in Summary

Citicoline is a cognitive enhancer that works by increasing levels of acetylcholine and dopamine in the brain.

It has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function in older adults and those with cognitive impairments.

Citicoline is generally well-tolerated, but side effects can include headache, nausea, and dizziness.

10. Sulbutiamine

Sulbutiamine is a form of vitamin B-complex similar to vitamin B1 (thiamine). It has been proven to increase energy levels and mental alertness.

Its bioavailability means your body will absorb it quickly, allowing for quick results once you take this supplement orally.

This nootropic was originally created in Japan as a treatment for various health conditions such as asthenia, chronic fatigue, depression, and poor concentration.

Sulbutiamine is also a potent cholinergic anxiolytic which means that it works to help reduce anxiety levels while also increasing energy, motivation, and mental alertness.

Sulbutiamine Pros

  • Sulbutiamine increases energy levels and mental alertness
  • It is a bioavailable form of vitamin B-complex, meaning your body will absorb it quickly
  • Originally created as a treatment for various health conditions
  • Increased focus and concentration

Sulbutiamine Cons

  • Not many cons to taking sulbutiamine as it is a vitamin
  • Some people may experience side effects such as headache, nausea, or diarrhea

Sulbutiamine in Summary

Sulbutiamine is a great supplement to take if you are looking for a quick and easy way to improve your focus and concentration.

It is also a bioavailable form of vitamin B, meaning your body will absorb it quickly.

While there are some potential side effects, they are generally mild and shouldn’t cause too much concern.

11. Acetyl-L-Carnitine


Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a supplement that has been shown to help improve energy levels and physical performance on a cellular level.

It does this by helping your cells produce more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body’s main source of fuel for producing energy from within each of your cells.

This nootropic is a popular choice among athletes because it helps to improve endurance and physical energy while increasing fat metabolism in the muscles.

ACLAR works by supporting healthy mitochondrial function, which means that your body can more efficiently produce ATP for use throughout the day.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Pros

  • Helps to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease
  • Helps to improve energy levels
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Promotes healthy brain function

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Cons

  • May cause an upset stomach
  • May cause headaches
  • May cause dizziness
  • Possible drug interactions

Acetyl-L-Carnitine in Summary

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the body.

It has many potential health benefits, including improved brain function, weight loss, and increased energy levels.

It works by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells, where they are burned for energy (ATP).

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is safe for most people to take, but it may cause some side effects including upset stomach, headaches, and dizziness.

12. Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that's commonly used to help improve energy levels and enhance mood.

It does this by helping your body fight against the stress hormone cortisol, which can drain you of physical and mental endurance over time if left unchecked.

This nootropic has also been shown to increase cognitive abilities while boosting immune system function.

Rhodiola Rosea is a popular choice among nootropic users because it has been shown to help reduce fatigue, increase attention span, boost energy levels and improve mood with long-term use over time.

Rhodiola Rosea Pros

  • Highly effective for anxiety
  • Boosts athletic performance
  • Supports well-being during stress

Rhodiola Rosea Cons

  • May cause drowsiness
  • May cause dry mouth
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid using

Rhodiola Rosea in Summary

Rhodiola Rosea is an herb that has been traditionally used for centuries in Russia, China, and Scandinavia for its wide array of health benefits.

Its most well-known benefits include reducing stress and fatigue, improving mental clarity and focus, and enhancing physical endurance.

Rhodiola Rosea is also known to boost the immune system, improve heart health, and protect against cognitive decline.

13. Curcumin

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to increase energy levels, boost mood and protect cognitive function.

It does this by helping maintain the mitochondrial membrane in your cells while also protecting brain health against free radical damage caused by stress or environmental pollutants.

This nootropic is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory supplement but can also be used to help improve energy levels, mood, and immune system function.

Curcumin is also an excellent neuroprotective agent that can protect your brain cells against free radical damage while also helping you manage stress for improved mental focus and clarity on a daily basis.

Curcumin Pros

  • Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • May improve symptoms of arthritis
  • May improve brain function and memory

Curcumin Cons

  • Side effects include stomach upset, diarrhea, and dizziness
  • High doses of curcumin may also cause liver problems

Curcumin in Summary

Curcumin is a compound that is found in the spice turmeric.

It has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for centuries and is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin supplements are often marketed as a natural way to reduce inflammation and pain.

There is some scientific evidence to support the use of curcumin for these purposes.

14. Ginkgo Biloba

Gingko Biloba, also known as Ginkgo or maidenhair, is a popular nootropic for its ability to enhance blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain while also improving cognitive function, memory recall, and focus over time with long-term use.

This means that Gingko can be used as an effective natural supplement on a daily basis to help manage stress, improve concentration and increase energy levels.

Gingko is also known for helping to protect the brain against free radical damage while supporting healthy blood circulation.

This means that it can be used as an effective nootropic supplement for improving mental clarity.

Gingko Biloba Pros

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Is taken as a memory enhancer
  • Gingko Biloba can help with Raynaud's phenomenon
  • Aids in the treatment of Alzheimer's and dementia
  • Gingko Biloba can help with sexual dysfunction
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety

Gingko Biloba Cons

  • May cause headaches, dizziness, or gastrointestinal problems
  • May interact with other medications

Gingko Biloba in Summary

Gingko Biloba is a popular supplement with many potential health benefits.

It can improve blood circulation, enhance memory, and aid in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and sexual dysfunction.

However, Ginkgo Biloba can also cause side effects like headaches, dizziness, and gastrointestinal problems.

15. Gynostemma

Gynostemma (also called: The herb of immortality) is a potent adaptogenic herb that's been shown to reduce fatigue while boosting energy levels and physical performance.

It works by helping your body manage the excess production of cortisol, which can otherwise drain you physically and mentally if left unchecked.

This nootropic is also an effective anti-inflammatory agent that protects against oxidative free radical damage while improving physical performance and overall energy levels with long-term use.

Gynostemma Pros

  • Reduces fatigue
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Improves physical performance
  • Is an adaptogen

Gynostemma Cons

  • Some people may experience mild digestive upset, but this is typically temporary and goes away with continued use

Gynostemma in Summary

Gynostemma works by helping the body adapt to stress and improve overall function.

This makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a natural way to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.

If you're struggling with fatigue, give gynostemma a try!

16. Creatine

Creatine is an amino acid derivative that's commonly used to increase physical performance, energy levels, and strength.

It works by using cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) fuel more efficiently during exercise while also helping you get through your day with ease when taken as a supplement in pill form.

This nootropic has been shown to improve mood, boost energy levels and increase overall cognitive function.

Creatine is most commonly used for increasing physical performance by Bodybuilders but can also be used as a nootropic supplement on days when you need an extra mental edge at work or home.

Creatine Pros

  • Creatine has been shown to increase physical performance, energy levels, and strength
  • It is a widely studied supplement with a lot of scientific research to support its safety and efficacy

Creatine Cons

  • Some people may experience side effects such as weight gain, bloating, or diarrhea

Creatine in Summary

Creatine is a widely studied supplement that has been shown to be safe and effective in increasing physical performance, energy levels, and strength.

Creatine works by increasing the body's ability to produce ATP, which is the body's main source of energy.

While creatine is generally safe, some people may experience side effects such as weight gain, bloating, or diarrhea.

What Are the Best Nootropics for Energy?

When it comes to nootropics, there are a variety of options available that offer different benefits.

Personally, I have found the following 16 nootropics best for energy:

  1. Vyvamind
  2. Caffeine
  3. L-Theanine
  4. Modafinil
  5. Armodafinil
  6. Phenylpiracetam
  7. Oxiracetam
  8. Noopept
  9. Citicoline
  10. Sulbutiamine
  11. Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  12. Rhodiola Rosea
  13. Curcumin
  14. Ginkgo Biloba
  15. Gynostemma
  16. Creatine

Which one of these nootropics is best for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your budget, and personal preferences.

If you're looking for a powerful nootropic blend that can help you boost energy levels, focus, and motivation, I highly recommend Vyvamind.

With Vyvamind you get all the most effective ingredients for boosting energy levels packed in one single formula, making it one of the best values for your money.

If you want to know more about Vyvamind, check out their official website here:

What Are the Benefits of Nootropics for Energy?

Nootropics are a class of cognitive-enhancing drugs that are designed to improve mental function.

They are sometimes referred to as "smart drugs" or "memory-enhancing supplements."

Nootropics are often used by students and professionals who want to improve their memory, concentration, and focus.

Nootropics work by modulating the neurotransmitters in the brain.

This can lead to increased levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

These neurotransmitters are essential for regulating mood, memory, and energy levels.

Nootropics can also help to increase blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, which can further enhance cognitive function.

What Are the Side Effects of Nootropics for Energy?

When it comes to side effects, nootropics are generally considered to be safe.

However, some people may experience mild side effects such as headaches, nausea, or insomnia.

There's also a difference in what kind of side effects you may experience depending on which nootropic you take.

For example, caffeine is a common ingredient in many energy-boosting nootropics.

While it's generally safe, some people may experience side effects such as jitteriness, anxiety, or rapid heart rate.

There are also synthetic and harsher nootropics such as Adderall, which can cause more serious side effects such as cardiovascular issues and addiction.

If you're looking for a safe, natural, and effective way to boost your energy levels, I recommend trying one of the nootropics on this list.

Just be sure to start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Final Thoughts: Do Nootropics Really Work for Energy?

So the main question is, do nootropics really work for energy?

The answer is yes!

Nootropics can absolutely help to boost your energy levels, focus, and motivation.

I've personally tried many of the nootropics on this list and can attest to their efficacy.

If you want to try nootropics for yourself, I recommend starting with a natural option like Vyvamind.

Not only is Vyvamind one of the most effective energy-boosting nootropics available, but it's also safe, affordable, and easy to find.


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